
It is a great pleasure to welcome you to the Department of Library and information science at the University of Kashmir. We all know that Information has attained immense importance and is regarded as an important resource for the overall progress and prosperity of any society. In order to make judicious use of information and information resources libraries and information centers are playing an important role. Main objective of any library is to ensure that right information is made available to the right person at the right time. This objective is achieved by libraries, when library professionals are able to mobilize all the resources available to them in an effective and efficient manner.

Producing capable human resources for libraries is the mission of Library and information science department. Department of Library and information science since its inception is playing an important role in producing capable and competent library and information science professionals who are managing libraries and information centers not only in the state of Jammu and Kashmir but in other states of India and abroad. Focus of the department is to achieve excellence in teaching, learning and research in the field of library and information science. Curricula of our programme reflects our will to keep abreast about incorporating the latest trends that take place in the subject at national and global levels and as such is revised at regular intervals. New areas of research are being explored by our researchers and new methods of teaching and learning are being practiced by faculty to achieve the excellence. LIS department is committed for playing a role in creating information society by grooming the students in such a way that they are able to face the challenges posed by changing information landscape..






Prof Sumeer Gul
Head Of Department